Ever been to a spa or a hotel and been blown away with their products only to get them home and find they’re just not the same? Chances are the difference is all down to the water you’re using.
Get more for your money
People who live in soft water areas need to use a lot less product to enjoy the same experience than those bathing in hard water areas – 75% less in fact, which is a considerable saving.
The simple science behind this is that soft water lathers so much more efficiently that hard water, because all those lovely ingredients are not having to contend with the additional compounds found in hard water.
There is an easy solution
By removing the calcium and magnesium elements from you water as they enter your home, a professionally installed water softener instantly ensures that your bubble bath and all the products you use, lather up beautifully, meaning that you need to use a lot less of them to get them same pleasurable experience.
Additional benefits
Using less product and rinsing with softened water means that there is no residue left on your skin, in your hair or around your bath tub. This residue, which traditionally results from the compounds found in hard water reacting with your soap, can block pores, irritate skin and ironically lead to the need to buy additional products such as moisturisers, to counteract its effects.
For details of this and many other surprising benefits of installing a water softener in your home, call us on 01202 983858.