The simple fact is that these products need to work harder and so you need more of them, in hard water areas. This is due to increased levels of elements such as calcium and magnesium found in hard water, which have a negative impact on how products lather-up.
More lather means a more effective cleaning action, a more enjoyable bubble bath, a more luxurious shower and a lot less product.
You can’t see it, but you know it’s there
Not only is an over-use of product due to hard water costing you money, but because products don’t lather as effectively with hard water, products can leave behind a sticky residue you may not even realise is there.
This is bad news since this residue can irritate your skin, exasperate existing skin conditions, dry out your skin and block pores. Negative effects include dull, lifeless hair, itchy, dry skin and in some cases painful skin conditions such as eczema. Naturally many people try to fix these problems by buying more products such as conditioners and moisturisers.
This problem isn’t just in the bathroom. Washing machines using hard water suffer the same effects and over time clothes and linens become hard and scratchy as the starchy residue builds up on the fabrics.
A light at the end of the tunnel
The solution to this is a simple one. A professionally installed water softener removes the trace elements of calcium and magnesium from hard water as it enters your home. The result is instantaneous. Your water is noticeably softer on your skin and you will notice that you need to use a lot less products to get the same results.
Over time you should notice that your fabrics last longer, you don’t require fabric softener and that you’re spending a lot less money on moisturisers and conditions to soften your skin and hair. Remarkably even razor have been proven to last longer in soft water areas since the coating on razorblades can be corroded by hard water compounds.
We will happily discuss these benefits and many more with you on 01202 983858.