To make matters worse, all that scrubbing and all those chemicals, are actually damaging your surfaces as you clean them. This means that in a relatively short space of time your lovely new bathroom or kitchen is looking less than gleaming, not despite of all your hard work, but because of it.
There’s something in the water
It’s not just your surfaces that are affected. Limescale deposits in your kettle lead to scum floating on top of your tea and those awful gritty flakes lying at the bottom. Not to mention taps and showerheads getting blocked up and untold damage to the workings of your appliances.
People who live in soft waters areas are blissfully unaware of this drudgery purely due to geographical happenstance. However, you’re not alone, in fact around 60% of the country have hard water coursing through their homes and keeping the makers of limescale removers in business.
A brilliant solution
Limescale is a result of elevated levels of minerals such as calcium and magnesium found in hard water. Remove these compounds and you remove the problem. That is exactly what a professionally installed water softener does. More impressively it does it at source, meaning that all the water that enters your home is free from these compounds and so follows freely through your taps and appliances, without leaving behind limescale.
Viola! No more scrubbing and descaling. Softer water, better tasting tea, more efficient appliances and your beautiful new bathroom and kitchen stays looking just like new, just like in the adverts!
For these and other surprising benefits to installing a water softener in your home, call us on 01202 983858.